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13.02.2011, 16:14

License Agreement

The software "Custodia" enables tournaments to monitor the user's compliance with the tournament rules. The software is made to detect illegal programs and settings made to give an advantage doing online play.

You are not entitled to distribute the software to third parties, to sell and/or lease or lend it.

You are not entitled under any circumstances to remove any copyright notices, serial numbers or any other markings which serve to identify the software, or to modify or obliterate them. Any alteration or copying within the code is furthermore a breach of the agreement of copyright.

Should any kind of breach be found. Being either to the system itself or to the game it protects, the Custodia administrators have any rights do what is necessary to block out the individual from the system.

You are responsible to keep yourself updated to any changes in these License Agreements.

Confidentiality, Data Protection
For the purpose of monitoring compliance with the tournament rules, it is necessary that the following data are collected from your computer through the "Custodia" software and transmitted to the designated FTP server:

General information:
- Operating system
- Local time of the PC
- Process log
- Internet access information

Game data:
- Game path
- Checksum and size of executable files of the game
- Configuration files of game
- Contents of game directory.

In addition, screenshots will be made and transmitted to the designated tournament FTP together with the game configurations used, and stored on the server.

The data will be encrypted with an AES encryption before being uploaded. Only administrators will have access to the uploaded data.

This software is distributed "as is". No warranty ofsuitability or reliability is offered; use this at your own risk. The author of this code assumes NO RESPONSIBILITY for any damages, direct or incidental, resulting from the use of this software or the collected data.
Категория: Античиты CS 1.6 | Добавил: foxik
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